Siyabonga Metane, renowned South African hip-hop artist and entrepreneur, commonly known as Slikour, along with his wife Melissa Wilkinson, have issued a plea for their marital and familial affairs to be handled with sensitivity and respect amidst allegations concerning infidelity and mistreatment.
The couple’s response comes in the wake of a report by Sunday World, where sources alleged that Wilkinson decided to end the relationship with the former rapper due to claims of emotional, financial, and psychological abuse.
The article further detailed Wilkinson’s grievances, citing feelings of isolation, neglect, and exclusion from significant family decisions within the marriage. Additionally, Slikour was accused of engaging in extramarital affairs.
In a collective statement addressing the accusations, Slikour and Wilkinson acknowledged the existence of challenges within their relationship, expressing their determination to address them privately.
“While we confront these challenges, we seek the opportunity to address them privately. As parents, our foremost commitment is to cultivate a harmonious and nurturing environment, not only for ourselves but, most importantly, for our children,” affirmed the couple.
Having exchanged vows in 2017, the couple welcomed their daughter in 2020, while Slikour also has an elder son from a previous relationship.